Paintings were completed on location.
9' x 12' oil on panel. Stokes County, NC
16' x 20' oil on canvas. Stokes County, NC.
12" x 16" oil on canvas panel. Silk Hope, NC.
12" x 16" oil on canvas panel. Germanton, NC.
8" x 10" oil on canvas. Lexington, Virginia.
18" x 24" oil on canvas. Dan River, Stokes County, NC.
4' x 12" oil on panel. Stokes County, NC.
9" x 12" oil on canvas panel. Live Oak, Florida.
18" x 24" oil on canvas. Dan River, Stokes County, NC.
14" x 18" oil on canvas panel. Hanging Rock State Park, NC.
12" 16" oil on canvas panel. Winston Salem, NC
Live Art is a drawing or painting, capturing an event like a musical performance or another artist in motion. These works are always created on location, tapping into the emotion and movement of a moment. Painting "live" can be capturing a likeness of a performer, or it can also be Visionary Art, in that the image is a spontaneous response to a musical experience, allowing the sub-conscious to design the work as it is created. Merging images between the abstract and representational allow the artist and viewer to unravel the metaphysical messages held within.
9" x 12", acrylic on canvas panel. This was painted during a musical performance of the band "Railroad Earth", during the American Roots Music Festival in Raleigh, North Carolina on October 17, 2015.